Tuesday, 4 October 2011


Fred Hollows
Fred Hollows was the head of the eye depatment in one of the Sydney hospitals. He gave thousands all over the world back there eye sight.

Fred Hollows was born in New Zealand on the 9th of April 1929 and died on the 10th of February 1993, he died from cancer.
Fred moved to Australia in 1965 and began his adventures as an eye surgeon at the university of New South Wales in Sydney, Fred worked there for over 25 years!

Fred moved to Australia as he was offered a job at the Sydney hospital as an eye surgeon. He came by plane to Australia.

Fred impacted on Australia's history because he saved lots of peoples eye sights, all around the world! There is now a foundation called the Fred Hollows foundation.  Australia wanted to offer him a job because we would have a happier, brighter community!!
This picture above is fred helping people
 get their eye sight back.

By: Kate Christensen

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