Monday, 3 October 2011


Sir Douglas Mawson(1911-1914)

Sir Douglas Mawson was most famous for his trips of exploration to Antarctica between 1911 and 1914.
In one of his amazing journey he almost lost his life.A friend of his fell down an ice crease with all the food.
Sir Douglas and his fellow mate had to travel all around Antarctica eating his huskies to get back to the home base. They had to walk 500 kilometres out in the open snow just to get back to the home base.Unfortunately his fellow mate did not survive.His name was mirtz.He died on the way from frost bite. Sir Douglas Mawson made it though thankfully.Now he has an extraordinary story to tell to the whole world.

Sir Douglas was born in Bradford,England.
He came to Australia to study Science and Geology.
Mawson thought it was important to find out all about Antarctica and to get Australia involved with Antarctica.

He then became a professor at Adelaide University
He was then made Sir Douglas by the king himself.
His face was then put on the Australian $100.

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