Monday 7 November 2011


Caroline Chrisholm!
Caroline Chisholm was born in 1908 in England. She arrived in Australia in
1838 and make a home for women who had also came to live here. She helped people on ships come over to Australia. She arranged free trips
so families and convicts could start a new life.
she also belived that poor people should be able to get farms chep.
Caroline Chisholm's work has been remembered in so many great ways.
Her face has appeared on stamps and on a bank note for 5 years.

Sarah 6V

Jessie Street

Who Is She?
Jessie Mary Grey Street was born on the 18th April 1889. She was the eldest of three children. In 1896, Jessie began her formal education with a governess. In 1904-06 she attended Wycombe Abbey School, Buckinghamshire, England. She matriculated by private study and enrolled in arts at the University of Sydney. She also met her future husband.

Where did she come from?
Jessie was born and came from Ranchi, Bihar, India.

When did she immigrate?
In 1907 Jessie street immigrated to Sydney where she studied and enrolled in arts in the University of Sydney.

What circumstance did she immigrate under?
She immigrated to make her knowledge of education better.

How she immigrated.
Jessie Street came to Australia by boat.

How she impacted on Australia's history.
She joined the League of Nations Union and feminist organisations. She campaigned for Sheepskins for Russia in World War II, joined the Australian delegation to the conference that established the United Nations and successfully lobbied for a charter for women's rights. She campaigned for the 1967 referendum on Aboriginal rights.



Jessie Street

Who is she

Jessie Street 1889-1970.

Her full name is Jessie Mary Grey Street.
She was born on the 18th of april 1889 
   in Ranchi, Bihar, India, and was the eldest of three children.
She came to Australia in 1907 and went to college
and after that she graduated in 1911.

She came to Australia because she wanted to get better
education and become something
when she gets older.
When she went to college she also met her future husband.
She soon became capitain of the womens hockey team.

Jessie Street founded the University of Womens Sport Association.

When her and her husband got married they had two daughters and two sons.

In 1970 she died on the Second of July.

After she died The Jessie Street National Women's Library was also opened up in Sydney.

Liam - 6V

Lawrence Hargrave was born in Greenwich, England, in 1850 and came to Australia in 1883 in search of gold.
Lawrence Hargrave
In 1878 he was an assistant astronomical observer at Sydney Observatory, a job which he held until 1883, when he retired to devoted the remainder of his life to research work on problems connected with human flight.
He had a normal life and spent his spare time inventing and discovering things. From all his studying he did something amazing. In 1894, he became the first man in Australia to fly — at Stanwell Park in New South Wales. He made four box kites and joined a seat to them. With the help of the wind, he was able to float 5 metres above the ground on the end of a length of wire.
He also invented a type of aeroplane engine with flapping wings. He did not want to make money from his inventions but he was happy to share it with everyone.

Ellie 6v

Caroline Chisholm

Caroline Chisholm was born in 1808 and died in 1877, she was a philanthropist she was born near Northampton in England.She was a  daughter of William Jones,he was a farmer. Reared in the tradition of Evangelical philanthropy, at 22 she agreed to marry Captain Archibald Chisholm of the East India.But on condition that her philanthropic work should continue.Chisholm was posted in 1832 to Madras where Caroline founded the Female School of Industry for the Daughters of European Soldiers.She came to Australia in September 1883 in Emerald isle and she settled in windor.She found positions for immigrant girls and sheltered many of them in her home. In January 1841 she approached Governor and Lady Gipps and the proprietors of the Sydney Herald with a plan for a girls' home.

Monday 31 October 2011

Ella 6K

Fred Hollows

Fred Hollows was born in Dunedin, New Zealand.In 1961 he went to Moorfeilds Eye Hospital in England to study ophthalmology. In 1960 Fred Hollows came to Australia by plane in 1960 to continue eye surgery.Early in the 1970s Hollows began visiting  New South Wales towns and stations and Aboriginal communities . He became especially concerned with the high number of Aborigines who had eye defects, in particular trachoma which causes blindness if not treated quickly. In 1971 he set up the Aboriginal Medical Service in suburban in Sydney, and was subsequently responsible for the establishment of medical services for Aboriginal throughout Australia. Hollows himself spent three years visiting Aboriginal communities to provide eye care and carry out a survey of eye defects. More than 460 Aboriginal communities were visited, and 62,000 Aboriginals were examined, leading to 27,000 being treated for trachoma and 1000 operations being carried out. Without Fred Hollows there would probably be no Eye Surgery Hospitals today.

Ella Van Dyck 6K

Monday 24 October 2011


Fred Hollows was born in Dunedin, New Zealand. He became a doctor and began to specialise in the treatment of diseases of the eye. He had to travel to England to do this and won a prize as one of the top .
After he returned to Australia, Hollows spent a lot of his time studying and treating an eye disease called 'trachoma',
Fred Hollows helped set up the Aboriginal Medical Service in Sydney and arranged for teams of people to travel all over the country to treat trachoma. This saved many people from becoming blind. He also helped to train doctors for work in Africa and set up a program to cure another common eye disease called 'cataracts'.

His work has been recognised in many ways. He was given a Human Rights Medal, an Australian Achiever Award, made Australian of the Year, given an Order of Australia Award and had a medical foundation named after him.